Episode 9: Balder the Brave

BEHOLD: Balder the Brave #1-4! Balder rides forth to Hel and returns to a fallen Nornheim! Karnilla’s iron will is not easily broken! And in Jotunheim, the frost giants plan their invasion of Asgard!

Episode 3: The Casket of Ancient Winters

BEHOLD: Thor #345-348! The tragic duty of Eric and Roger Willis! The wickedness of Malekith the Accursed and his Dark Elves! And – Midgard’s unexpected winter is but a precursor to its fiery doom!

Episode 1: The Ballad of Beta Ray Bill

BEHOLD: Thor #337-340! The arrival of Beta Ray Bill, Thor’s worthiest ally! The valor of Lady Sif, a true warrior born! And the beginning of the greatest run of comics of all – Walter Simonson’s Thor!